Audient Nero Mono Desktop Monitor Controller with 2 Stereo Line Level Inputs

Economisez $340.00
Audient SKU: 524919-B1

Prix réduit$499.00 Prix normal$839.00


Building on over 20 years of expertise in analog console heritage, Nero has been designed to give you powerful control over your monitoring. Featuring a comprehensive range of I/O, console style monitor control, Precision Matched Attenuation Technology and more... Nero will quickly become the core of your studio.InputsAs your studio grows it becomes harder to control. Nero enables you to centralise, connect, and control all your monitoring needs from your desktop using Nero's array of stereo inputs.OutputsReference your mixes on up to three sets of speakers, independently set and match volume for all speakers and audition, and assign your sub to any monitor path. Nero also provides one dedicated monitor grade headphone amp and three foldback grade headphone amps, making sure you're ready to take on the loudest of sessions with crystal clear headphone mixes.Assignable SubEasily assign a sub to activate when switching to a monitor path of choice but maintain the ability to switch it on and off without losing your saved preset. Nero also lets you audition the sub on any alternative set of speakers without forcing you to assign it permanently.Smart TouchpointsSmart Touchpoints enable you to customize your workflow on-the-fly. Easily route and configure Nero's outputs and monitor controls to create monitoring combinations that suit your needs. Simply hold down a Smart Touchpoint to put it into setup mode, select your routing options, and press it again to save.Precision Matched Stereo Volume ControlNero perfectly matches the volume of the left and right channels of your stereo signal using Audient's custom Precision Matched Attenuation Technology. Unlike other monitor controllers, this prevents any deviation in volume between your left and right monitors or unbalancing of your stereo image, enabling you to monitor accurately and mix with confidence.Console Style Monitor ControlUtilising Audient's vast experience in implementing monitor control in both

About this item
  • 4 x Stereo Analogue sources, 2 x Line Level Inputs , 1 x Dedicated Cue Mix Input, and 3 x Stereo Speaker Outputs
  • 4 x Headphone Outputs with flexible routing
  • Dim, Cut, Mono, and Polarity Monitor Controls
  • Smart Touchpoints for user customisation
  • External Talkback Input

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